(45 Minutes)
Judul : Teks recount
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : X/1
Waktu : 2 x 45’ ( 1 pertemuan )
Kompetensi Dasar :
1.1 Mendengarkan
Memahami wacana transaksional dan interpersonal ringan dan/atau monolog lisan terutama berkenaan dengan wacana berbentuk recount.
.2 Berbicara
Mengungkapkan nuasa makna dalam wacana transaksional dan interpersonal ringan dan/atau monolog lisan terutama berkenaan dengan wacana berbentuk recount
1.3 Membaca
Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika dalam teks tertulis tertulis berbentuk recount.
Petunjuk belajar:
Bacalah L K S Anda dengan cermat
Kejakan setiap langkah sesuai dengan petunjuk
Jika menemukan kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan tugas berkonsultasilah dengan guru.
Dengarkanlah sebah cerita pengalaman seseorang melalui kaset.
Cermatilah alur cerita tersebut.
Identifikasilah langkah-langkah pengungkapkannya.
Identifikasilah tenses yang lebih banyak digunakan.
Baca contoh teks yang diberikan
Diskusikan perbedaan dari teks yang diberikan
Ceritakan sebuah pengalaman kepada teman anda.
Bentuk teks
Teks recount adalah sebuah teks yang menceritakan tentang pengalaman baik fakta maupun fiktif. Ada beberapa macam teks recount diantaranya adalah personal recount, factual recount, etc. Struktur jenerik dari teks recount ini adalah
e.g Yesterday, my friend and I went to the zoo.
We saw some birds
We really enjoyed our day
Teks recount ini menggunakan Past tense; simple past tense. Salah satu kegunaan tense ini untuk mengatakan kegiatan waktu lampau.
1. We saw some birds
2. We really enjoyed our day.
Tugas dan Langkah Kerja
Text :
Last Friday night, Mrs. Ryan with her four children came to The supermarket. The supermarket manager watched them from the service counter, his hand on his head.
Mrs. Ryan smiled and pushed her cart up and down the aisles. Kelly, the youngest, sat in the cart and screamed. Mrs. Ryan did not listen. She was at the counter, picking out some chicken. Kelly cried louder and louder. She wanted ice cream.
Marc helped his mother. He was putting food in the cart when her mother did not look. He added cookies, potato chips, and doughnuts.
The supermarket manager talked to Tessa. He told her she couldn’t eat bananas. He took a bunch of grapes from her, too.
One of the employees walked toward the manager. She was angry; she pulled a child with her. When he was running, Jeff knocked over five bottles of soda. Another employee mopped the floor.
Thank goodness, Mrs. Ryan was finished. She walked out of the store, pushed her cart. Her children followed quietly behind her.
“Good-bye,” Mrs. Ryan smiled at the manager. “We’ll see you next week.”
Individually, read the text carefully and then answer these questions in 6 minutes.
Why couldn’t Tessa eat bananas?
Why was one of the employees angry?
How does the supermarket manager feel when Mrs. Ryan was finished?
She pulled a child with her. What does a child refer to?
Who said “Good-bye”?
Underline sentences in the text that express activities in the past. Your time to do this only 3 minutes.
Sit in groups of
4, then compare your answers with other member of the group. After that decide the group answers’ . You have
5 minutes to do.
In 5 minutes, discuss in your group which of the following sentences are correct by giving a tick (() and correct the wrong one.
Mr. Soeharto is our president.
I graduated from SMP 16 Jakarta
They lost the game.
His father die last week.
WR. Supratman write Indonesian Anthem.
Lembar Diskusi dan kesimpulan
In 10 minutes discuss a reason for each answer.
Complete these statements (6’)
To express an activity which happened in the past, we can use ……………………………………………………………..
Example: …………………………………………………..
Complete these statements (3’)
This text is call recount. It talks about someone …………… It starts with orientation which functions as …………… and there are some …….. follow that orientation.
Report your group’s answers and their reasons to class within 7 minutes.
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